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Make yourself at home in one of our Supported Independent Living homes.

Moving out is a big step for both yourself and your family, it's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time! We've worked with several families in a transition to a SIL and it's different every time because everyone has different needs and wants.

We thrive on supporting people through the transition to SIL and we use our Short Term Accommodation service to help you get a feel of what it's like to be away from home for a while. Change is tough, so we take things step by step and go at your pace.

“It is really lovely to see my daughter out in the community, You have shown so much patience for her, I really appreciate YCS and it makes this transition to SIL so much better.”

Participant Parent

Activities, decisions and schedules tailored to you.

We provide your support, but can help you find accommodation too if you need.

Help with the little things to make your choices easier.

Guaranteed regular team of staff around you.

Check out Fin's life in a SIL with us.


  • Daily outings, from the supermarket to the Gold Coast
  • Drop offs to and from work
  • Regular contact with family organised
  • Weekend activities discussed and made happen
  • Doctors appointments sorted
  • Regular team, with Fin's preferred staff

Check out George's life in a SIL with us.

  • Independent Living Skills, including personal care and looking after his home
  • Outings to Bunnings, Supermarket, going out for burgers!
  • Regular contact with family organised
  • Transport discussed and scheduled
  • Doctors appointments sorted
  • Regular team, with George's preferred staff

Call our team on: 0432 200 307